Birthday Greetings: New Mugs

Good morning, lovely people!

My first thought when I woke up this morning was how grateful I am to be connected to people. I felt that connection STRONG yesterday through the birthday video, memes, messages, and gifts. 

Actually, that’s a lie. My first thought was, “What the hell is that noise?” Then I remembered Rosie, Sister Wendy ‘s pug, is staying with us for awhile. If you’re not used to pugs, they’re just weird. Are you upset? Excited? I can’t tell what that snort/grunt means! So after hearing all that, I thought about y’all. 
Then I thought about coffee. I  brewed some and I’m enjoying it right now in my new cock mug, a gift from son Ben and his wife, Bre. They’d noticed that Sister-Husband Pursefonee and I collect cocks. To keep us from fighting over the one cock, they gave me two! I’m perfectly happy to share a cock with Purse. 

Lord, what am I? A fifth grader? Yeah. Pretty much.

Thank you for all the birthday love yesterday. More post birthday posts later.

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